Recall Repercussions

The results were in this summer with the democrats flipping two seats in the Senate recalls. While the republicans lost two seats,...

Be Careful Who Your “Friends” Are!

I recently attended the Educate to Elevate Conference in Madison, and I was very skeptical going in. While I left the conference just...

Spring 2011 Election Endorsements

The Spring 2011 sample Ballot is out and its time for my spring endorsements for the local election. 1. Wisconsin State Supreme...

Wisconsin State Journal – Getting It Wrong for 100 Years!

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The Wisconsin State Journal published an editorial on March 9th, 1914 proclaiming "Send Pickles...

Cottage Grove Politics

April brings us another election and in Cottage Grove, WI it brings us almost full circle. In the April elections bring the Village...

Should Lobbyists sit on City Committees?

This is an oldie but a goody. I first asked this question in 1999 when former Mayor Sue Bauman appointed the paid industry...

Meet Randy Hopper

While you have been able to get the latest news on Randy Hopper right here at this humble little blog, there are a...

Thursday Morning Links

As the kids start school today there will be lots of "Scott Walker has saved our schools" misinformation running around the right wing airwaves....

The Great Cookie Caper!

I received this email from a local Village resident(thanks for putting me on the mailing list). While I am not surprised that one...

Brief Random Tuesday Round Up

Yup . . . lots of small topics again . . . section 8 fuzzy math, lobbying letters sent, Pellitterri registers and reports (kind...

Dane County Conservatives(should scare you)

Today is primary election day in Wisconsin, so please go vote. I recommend Heidi Wegleitner and Carl Chenoweth. Unfortunately...

Cottage Grove – Where Democracy is a dirty word!

We recently held elections in Cottage Grove where Mike Mikalsen, lost his appointed position of Village Board President. The new Village President,...