Ah . . . those lobbying complaints, er, inquiries . . . .

At the last City Council meeting we accepted the annual lobbying report from the City Attorney's office. They dedicated one whole section of the...

Thursday Morning Links

As the kids start school today there will be lots of "Scott Walker has saved our schools" misinformation running around the right wing airwaves....

Even in Dane County the Fiscal Conservatives are Breaking Us!

We have been chronicling how the fiscal conservatives are breaking the bank, now we see it "trickling down" to the Dane County Board....

The Third and Final Day of Weekly Wrap Up

There's just sooooooo much . . . cuts at local newspapers, county land purchases, lobbying complaints, tif and economic development, city failure to hire...

Thursday Round Up

Thursday round up, round two this week. I'm not sure if it is lazy blogging or just still too much to blog about....

Wisconsin Professional Police Association Endorses Vicky

Recently the Wisconsin Professional Police Association Endorsed Vicky Selkowe "In a crowded field of outstanding candidates, Vicky Selkowe's experience and expertise are second-to-none," said WPPA...

Who is in whose pocket?

In the recent debate over Midvale Plaza, many of the community members accused Progressive Dane alders of being in the pockets of the developers....

January Lobbying Contacts

So, this is my second month of keeping track of my lobbying contacts here. I suspect there will be a few more this month...

Tid Bits from the Plan Commission

A briefer than usual rundown on Cliff Fisher's "accidentally removed house", Burr Oaks Senior Neighborhood Development, Amending TID 39 (Stoughton Rd), Creating Northside TIF...

Lobbying: Chamber comes in #2

People on thedailypage.com forum are upset with me for raising the lobbying issue.They seem more upset about my posting on lobbying on the paid...

Dane County Conservatives(should scare you)

Today is primary election day in Wisconsin, so please go vote. I recommend Heidi Wegleitner and Carl Chenoweth. Unfortunately...

He who must not be named….

There is an incredible amount of fake outrage on the right regarding Anthony Weiner, from head nerd Reince Priebus on down. ...