Cottage Grove – open for clients…

Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and honest lobbyist, and an old drunk were walking along when they simultaneously spotted a hundred-dollar bill ...

Sad, Sorry State of Lobbying Reports

My visit to the clerks office yesterday was . . . depressing. I wish the city attorney would do his job, so the...

Ah . . . those lobbying complaints, er, inquiries . . . .

At the last City Council meeting we accepted the annual lobbying report from the City Attorney's office. They dedicated one whole section of the...

Misplaced Priorities

The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it. P.J. O'ROURKE, Holidays in Hell The Village Board in...

I Can’t Tell You Why

The Monona Grove School District recently held held their annual meeting. Typically these are sparsely attended and uneventful. This...

Do what the Lobbyist says!

Apparently, some people think the plan commission can't approve anything unless the developer and/or their (very nice) lobbyist agree. What? Yup, that's...

Sunny Kept Us In The Dark…

In the Monona/Cottage Grove area,while we are a decent size community and many people read for their print/online newspaper, we have a respectable...

New Rule

With Apologies to Bill Maher, I thought I would steal his famous segment. New Rule: You can't advocated...

Cottage Grove – Where Democracy is a dirty word!

We recently held elections in Cottage Grove where Mike Mikalsen, lost his appointed position of Village Board President. The new Village President,...

The Governors “tools” and the President’s “stimulus”.

Governor Walker has been in office for just a few months and they have been an eventful few months. Before he even took...

Bad (Edgewater) Process

Ok - I'll try this one more time - more Edgewatermania. Sure, a developer can hold private meetings on their project. They just...

Another Round Up – Moving Daze and More

Between having too much to comment on, and internet issues this morning, I decided to go for another round up . . . moving...