March lobbying contacts

Hopefully, I can do better tracking this month . . . tho I'm getting tired of guessing if these folks are covered by the...

Wednesday Round Up

Many more issues to comment on today, Hippie Christmas, lobbying complaints, alternative Edgewater proposal thoughts, why Google came to Madison, a little jab at...

EEEE Round Up: Everything Else Except the Edgewater

That title sounds like it should be sung to the tune from "All Along the Watchtower" . . . but yes, there are other...

Do what the Lobbyist says!

Apparently, some people think the plan commission can't approve anything unless the developer and/or their (very nice) lobbyist agree. What? Yup, that's...

The actual story – MGSD

Recently, the Keep scott walker in power campaign funded largely by out of state special interests, ran an ad where he used a...

Sad, Sorry State of Lobbying Reports

My visit to the clerks office yesterday was . . . depressing. I wish the city attorney would do his job, so the...

Lobbying Reports – What a mess!

So, I went to go look at the results of so many people registering as lobbyists. Bleck.Here's some of the things that I found:Some...

Sunny Kept Us In The Dark…

In the Monona/Cottage Grove area,while we are a decent size community and many people read for their print/online newspaper, we have a respectable...

Good Meeting Tweet, Brings Bad Journalism

Apparently in today's Wisconsin, random "tweets" are now what is classified as news! We have one of the most extreme budgets in our...

An Open Letter to National Conservative Groups from Wisconsin’s Liberal Bloggers

To: Chris Chocola, Club for Growth The Honorable Jim DeMint, junior Senator from the Great State of South Carolina It is with great disappointment that we...

What is Wrong with Wisconsin?

Lobbyists have taken over. If there ever was a doubt, all you need to do is look at AT&T's recent victory. And...

Dane County Education Meeting

The community wide education meeting was very much a success. With a solid crowd and great speakers, the Sunday afternoon meeting...