March lobbying contacts

Hopefully, I can do better tracking this month . . . tho I'm getting tired of guessing if these folks are covered by the...

Wednesday Round Up

Many more issues to comment on today, Hippie Christmas, lobbying complaints, alternative Edgewater proposal thoughts, why Google came to Madison, a little jab at...

Another Round Up – Moving Daze and More

Between having too much to comment on, and internet issues this morning, I decided to go for another round up . . . moving...

Brief Random Tuesday Round Up

Yup . . . lots of small topics again . . . section 8 fuzzy math, lobbying letters sent, Pellitterri registers and reports (kind...

Lobbying Reports – What a mess!

So, I went to go look at the results of so many people registering as lobbyists. Bleck.Here's some of the things that I found:Some...

What is Wrong with Wisconsin?

Lobbyists have taken over. If there ever was a doubt, all you need to do is look at AT&T's recent victory. And...

Bad (Edgewater) Process

Ok - I'll try this one more time - more Edgewatermania. Sure, a developer can hold private meetings on their project. They just...

Should Lobbyists sit on City Committees?

This is an oldie but a goody. I first asked this question in 1999 when former Mayor Sue Bauman appointed the paid industry...

5 Lobbying Complaints

Yup - I'm at it again. So far, I've only filed 5 lobbying complaints, all of them related to TIF applications or anticipated...

Ad Hoc Round Up

I just did this on Saturday, but didn't want to wait for some of these items to get too old, so here's a new...

Three Items of Interest from Plan Commission

Recycling demolition and construction waste, Midvale-Westmorland Neighborhood Plan and some harsh words for Cliff Fisher . . . RECYCLING DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION WASTEGeorge Dreckman...

(Late) Thursday Round Up

I've been on vacation this week, so that's why the blog has been a little sparse and erratic with the postings. Also, there...