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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Portage Rd (Mr. Vang) Land Clean!

Only took me a half day off of work and about 80 miles on vehicles.

Should Dane County Parks Screen Campers for Sex Offenses?

Sigh . . .the neighbors think so . . . I had some different questions.

The (Public Schools) Profit Motive

We have brought you the story before that the current round of "education reform" is a myth, that its just a ruse to try...

City’s Anti-Recycling/Homeless Harassment Program

Yeah, county problem resolved, city's turn! I swear, I don't know why my head isn't bloody from beating it against the walls the city and county governments keep putting up . . . and why? What is the point? Today's not insignificant problem . . . that needs to be resolved, today. We're a public nuisance!

Homeless Life Line Might Die?

Oh dear, you have no idea how vital the "Obama phones" are to people on the street, and Friday there will be a hearing to discontinue the program - please sign this petition.

Occupy vs. Dane Co. Parks = Mischief Managed

Ok, I guess all is good now. ?

Free Camping in Dane County Parks!!!

I must have missed the resolution, but it appears that there is now free camping in Dane County Parks - perhaps its just a little celebration of Earth Day?

Occupy Madison Forced to . . . Occupy Dane County Parks

Bizarre twist of events made Occupy Madison accidental Occupiers. The Parks Staff are refusing to take our money - but we keep paying.no legal place It's been a bizarre week, yet again.

City Week Ahead

Committees will have new faces this week with the new alders and switches in assignments . . .

County Meanies Evicting Occupy from Lake Farm Park Noon Today

We've paid for three sites through tomorrow, but the county has given the campers a notice that they have to be out by noon today - they gave them the notice last night after 5:00. I have no idea what the campers will decide to do, we don't have transportation arranged for them with this short of notice and well, the county is just being mean.

Bizarro World: System FAIL! Part IV INSANITY!

The continuing saga, just when you think it can't get any worse, hospital refuses to let person with .49 BAC be admitted, wants us to take this person home, when we don't, they call the police and we are asked to leave because it is now a "police investigation" and because we were arguing with the doctor - and asked to speak to his supervisor, twice, the supervisor never appeared. I kid you not. I thought it couldn't get any weirder.

Injustice is a Powerful Motivator.

When will the county (i.e. County Executive Joe Parisi) realize that? They are so determined to just screw with homeless people - what is their motivation? See my email I just sent fueled by injustice.