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Topics related to the city of Madison.

The Twilight Zone: The Madison Homeless Shelter System

by David Gegenhuber

City Week Ahead

A little unusual this week.

Was that Police Harassment?

It's no secret, I don't like cops. The institution not the people. But I've always thought that I was for the most part, treated in a manner that was at least borderline acceptable - until yesterday . . .

Beloit College Alum Points Out Right Wing Pundits Ignorance!

Denver Post Editor and Beloit College Alum Curtis Hubbard pointed out the ignorance of a right wing pundit! Then the fun began:

March Madness: Phase II & III

3 or 4 phases, phase 2 started last night, 3 starts today. Phase 1 complete: 150 single men run out of days in the shelter on March 10th. They will only be let into shelter if it is less than 20 degrees or there is "extreme weather", definition of that, unknown

Examining The Homeless Shelter System – Part I

Earlier this week the Homeless Issues Committee held a meeting designed to look at the homeless shelter system policies. This will be a three part series that reveals what happened.

Embedded Bruer

Quite often in politics, it is much easier to elect the incumbent than to sit and think and compae the candidates and figue out...

I went to Jail for Justice . . .

Didn't actually find any . . . but didn't expect to. The media didn't cover our other good works/news/the rally, but they did cover people being arrested. And, it must have been the right thing to do . . . as we were able to help a friend out in the process.

March Madness (Homelessness) Rally

Here's most of the videos I have from the March Madness Rally. One more coming.

City Week Ahead

Not at all confident this list is the actual list of meetings this week. Last week there was a rash of added meetings, may well be again this week. So check the Weekly Meeting Schedule for additions.

We All Must Oppose The Expansion of School Vouchers

The Monona Grove Board of Education, building principals and district office administrators, and teachers (Monona Grove Education Association) join together to urge legislators to...

Property Owner Willing to Stand Up to City!

Willing to go to court to defend his right to have Occupy camp on his land.