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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Impasse on City Stealing Homeless Persons Belongings

JFC, my blogs are depressing this morning, no more time for laying on the couch and being sick - its all out war on those without homes and low-income people when it comes to housing and homelessness - anyone else want to pile on . . . you're not going to believe this one.

Capital Budget Presentations – Parking Utility

Still from last week Monday, but almost done . . . I hope.

TEN Changes to the City Week Ahead

Actually, 11. One cancellation. Yeah, there were only 19 meetings to start with. I think this is a new record . . .

Rain, Rain, Rain, Tuesday Morning Round Up

I'm not complaining, its good for the plants.

The Mayor’s New Aide

I wonder if he hires anyone that is not a state employee or not from out of state? Not sure what to make of his...

What’s to be Done About the High Lake Levels?

A new ordinance introduced to help control the impacts when the water levels are high.

Overture! 1:15am Committee of the Whole

More live blogging.

4 New Alder Candidates (Updated)

2 primaries if they all file all their paperwork . . . here's the new filings . . . .

Give $300K to Trek to Rent Bikes in Madison Parks?

Wait, we're going to pay Trek $100,000 for three years so they can make money renting bikes in our parks? a. This is money...

Scott McDonell: Smaller County Board Bad for Us

This is in response to the repeated calls from the Wisconsin State Journal for a smaller county board. As usual, the FACTS matter.

Kinda Dismal Overture Update

So, how are they doing on their commitments in the structural agreement?

Hmmm, City digs itself a hole.

Yeah, watch them scramble over the discriminatory bar policies they "support" but did not encourage. This is one of the goofier email strings I've been openly given, without request, since I've been off the council