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City Week Ahead

Ah, feeling so much better than last week!!!! No meetings Tuesday due to elections, but still lots of meetings.

March 10th: 157 Homeless Men are Out of Days/Done At Shelter til November

And they are the lucky ones - women and families don't have these same opportunities . . .

Response to County’s “Offer” Regarding Token Creek

Not much of an "offer" . . .

Yes, Homelessness Is Increasing!

It's not our imaginations. Twice a year service providers are required to do a "Point in Time" study to see how many homeless persons we can count. From 2010 to 2013 the numbers have increased from 567 to 831 for the January 31 count. And not everyone was counted.

Impasse on City Stealing Homeless Persons Belongings

JFC, my blogs are depressing this morning, no more time for laying on the couch and being sick - its all out war on those without homes and low-income people when it comes to housing and homelessness - anyone else want to pile on . . . you're not going to believe this one.

County’s Crappy Choice . . . 4 days and Counting

I've been sick for the last three days and haven't blogged, but this is the choice offered to the folks abandoned at Token Creek on Monday and provided in writing yesterday.

9 days and counting . . . the sound, of silence . ....

Yeah, still no legal place to go. Marsha Rummel was the only one who spoke up at the council meeting on Tuesday, not ONE county board supervisor spoke up last night after our testimony. (But Heidi Wegleitner wasn't there - she was in Texas doing a presentation about housing issues in Madison to the American Bar Association. And David Wiganowsky introduced his resolution allowing and extension earlier in the evening.

10 days and counting . . .

There is no legal place to go . . . and the Mayor says that the Council shouldn't let people guilt them into feeling...

11 days and counting . . .

So, I was so pissed off about the Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development Director's comments, I forgot to do my daily update on having NO PLACE TO GO! This was briefly discussed at the council last night, I will get a full report on that tomorrow, but for now . . .

What is Going on With The City Chief Planning Director?!

Hmmm . . . last night the council meeting really only dealt with one (or two) issues. The main issue of the night was a development on Iota Court. What was stunning - was what the Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development had to say about planning in our city! (with bk comments)

What Will The Council Be Talking About Tonight

This is what they want to talk about, if you want them to talk about something different, you have to show up and talk to the item so it doesn't get passed in one motion.

Don’t Bother with the Change.org Petition!

Bah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!!!! Giggle. City overwhelmed by change.org -- emails from the site blocked. Damn slactivists!