Madison City Week Ahead 1/24/22
Light Plan Commission and Urban Design agendas and a smattering of other committee meetings.
Madison City Week Ahead 1/17/22
Packing a lot into 4 days, council meets tonight, lots of other things that might impact your neighborhood.
What will the council talk about tonight?
Well, here's a hint. Tho' I expect they will talk about more than this.
Madison City Week Ahead 1/3/22
Only 10 meetings this week? Or only 10 meetings that made it on the schedule? I'd check the Konkel Daily Round Up (home page) for mo' meeting throughout the week.
Madison Downtowners: Remember how not to get ticketed when it snows?
Ah, its that time of year again. Alternate side parking! Even when you think you got it right, it sometimes fails! Here's the scoop!
Madison City Week Ahead 12/20/21
Short week this week, no meetings Wednesday or Thursday. Happy Holidays, enjoy the winter break!
Madison City Week Ahead 11/29/21
End of the month has fewer meetings, including an Ethics Board meeting which is a rare occurrence.
Madison City Week Ahead 11/22/21
Short week, but but there are still 10 meetings this week.
Madison City Week Ahead 11/15/21
Will budget (silly) season over, 31 meetings this week, 5 without agendas and 2 cancelled meetings.
Madison City Week Ahead 11/1/21
November already, alders are busy with budget, and there's a full week of meetings ahead, including council meeting.
Madison City Week Ahead 10/25/21
Lots going on this last week of October - and its budget night at Finance Committee.
City of Madison Week Ahead 10/3/21
This is the worst I've ever seen it - 9 missing agendas for scheduled meetings - that we know of . . . there are likely more "mo' meetings" this week!