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Topics related to the city of Madison.

12 days and counting . . . UPDATED

So, a conservative (?!) on the county board is the one pushing to let the people stay at Token Creek.

13 days and Counting . . .

Occupy Madison has been asked to leave Token Creek Campground by February 17th and there is no legal place to go. No plans to move because we are out of options. Where should people go?

City Week Ahead

February! Already.

Token Creek Disaster Area – UPDATED

This is how the county treats the homeless. #$%#@! And now the van isn't going to pick people up today.

Board of Estimates Recap

Another short meeting . . . which I expected to be longer given the agenda.

OM House News, Fundraiser Tonight, How You Can Help

Occupy Madison Inc. is working hard to create OM House (housing cooperative) and is working on other projects like OM Works (worker cooperative) to create opportunities for housing and work for those who currently are struggling in this economy. We hope you can join us for our fundraiser tonight!

Open Letter to City Officials on No Place to Go 2/17 – 4/16

Through a little mistake on the city's part, camping is not allowed (permitted or conditional) under any zoning in the new zoning code . . . hoping they can fix this. And be creative to help us solve our on-going issue of . . . say it with me . . . NO LEGAL PLACE TO GO!


Streets department has this to say about our roads this morning.

Open Letter to County Officials on Token Creek Campground

They are unwilling to give us an extension past February 17th and we . . . say it with me . . . HAVE NO LEGAL PLACE TO GO!!! Still, yet, again.

County Week Ahead

Also fewer meetings due to fifth Tuesday, Wednesday (no meetings) and Thursday (no meetings)

City Week Ahead

It's a 5th Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so short week.

Heroic Efforts to Save People’s Lives

No matter what the officials might tell you, not everyone gets into shelter and in this cold weather, that could mean the difference between life and death. Check out what various churches, community volunteers and private citizens have been doing!