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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Need An Attorney, Ask the Court to Appoint One!

Usually, they only appoint attorneys in criminal cases or in guardian ad litem cases, but now, you can (and should in some cases) ask...

Board of Estimates Recap – TIF Discussion

There were three amendments in the capital budget regarding TIF - the discussion is 20 - 25 minutes long.

City Week Ahead

February! Already.

System Fail! An Update

If you have been following the blogs about the person with the .6 BAC and lack of services for the person - I have more bad news. I only got 3.5 - 4 hours of sleep last night . . .

County Week Ahead (Updated/Finished)

25 meetings. . .

A Tale of Two Committees

Public Safety Review Committee and the Homeless Issues Committee had the same item on their agenda (city procedures for lost or abandoned property) on Tuesday and they had two very different reactions to the ordinance.

Downtown/Lake Monona Rhythm & Booms?

Public Forum tonight.

Maybe the City Week Ahead

So few days, it might be near accurate this week.

Men’s (and Women/Family) Shelter Services During Cold Snap(s)

Ok - here's what he have for the next few days, slightly confusing, so hopefully people can help pass the info along to everyone and everyone . . . bans lifted through Wednesday morning!

101 Ways the City of Madison Would Be Different . . .

If I were Mayor . . .

City Week Ahead

Lookin' in to that budget . . . attempting to figure out what the scant information means . . .

Changes to City Schedule

4 of them from yesterday . . . . more coming, I'm sure . . . what's the point of a "weekly schedule"?