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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City and County Week Ahead . . . .

Uh, don't hold your breath . . .

What you need to (S)Know.

Lots of snow updates - basically everything is closed down, but they are attempting to pick up garbage, Madison Metro buses are not running, snow emergency in effect so move cars so you don't get tickets, Madison schools closed yesterday already, city and county offices shut down, campus in-person exams cancelled, yadda, yadda, yadda.

GOOD NEWS! I think some policies have changed at the Porchlight Shelters

Call me cynical, but I don't really believe it. It seems like so many people have different understandings of what the shelter rules are and it appears there is a really good reason for that.

County Board Meeting . . . Tonight?

Rescheduled due to the storm and earlier than usual - at 6:00

Severe Weather and the 400 Homeless Sleeping Outside

I'd really like to see all 400 show up and test the alleged rules of the shelter systems that seem to be shifting and don't seem to reflect reality. If we have a cooling shelter, why not a blizzard shelter?

Surveillance Cameras to protect the Privacy Rights of the Public?

New rules for the use of surveillance cameras by city departments.

WYOU Community Television – Alive and Well?

I"m no longer on the board and have had to move on to other things, but I still find the station very worthy of supporting in whatever way you can.

(No Link) City Week Ahead

I'm a little concerned after last week that even when you think you know what the agenda is, a committee may or may not act on something on the agenda and if you are concerned they may take action, you better show up. That partial bus fare increase last week shook my confidence a bit. Here's what I think is coming up this week.

How to Get Ambulance Fees Waived – If “Poor”

So, I was talking to a friend about her experience taking someone to the hospital because they didn't want to call the ambulance and pay for the fees and I told her (she has been working with poor people for a long time and didn't know) that the fees could be waived. She says no one ever mentioned that to her after all her work with hospitals and low-income people. So, I went to find the info on the website and there was none . . . but there is now! (Thank you Sarah Edgerton! And whomever worked on this in the finance department!)

ZOINKS! Bus Fares Raised!

Ok, I didn't go to the meeting, took this all off the MABAA listserve - here's a summary of what I learned about the bus fares that will be going up. (Yeah, you thought that issue was dead, didn't you - and just about everyone else!)

Bed Bugs!

Just a new fact of life? Or is there something you can do? WARNING: Reading this may make you itch or creep you out!

Are Lake View Hill Tickets REALLY Being Dropped?

Court dates for tomorrow have not been dropped, and no one is answering the question. I tried getting an answer but got the same...