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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Lobbying Priorities for next State Legislative Session

For some very good reasons, I did not make it to the meeting yesterday where the alders gave their input into this agenda. But here it is . . . do you see anything missing?

Managing Scarce Homeless and Housing Services

Here's a little frustration of mine with homeless and housing services. Here today, gone tomorrow (or next week). Too much need!

What the Council will Talk About Tonight

The following items, plus whatever the public comes to talk about.

Entitlements? Or Human Rights? Or Criminalization?

Yesterday was Human Rights Day and the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty issued a report card on the Human Right to Housing - we didn't do well.
Safe, decent, affordable housing is a basic human right, recognized globally and defined with specificity in international law. But while the U.S. was a leader in establishing and championing international human rights law and institutions over 60 years ago, and continues to speak out as a leader on the global stage, unfortunately here at home our words do not match our reality.

Cut Food Stamps?

Action Alert from the Wisconsin Council of Churches. This drives me nuts, this is the one benefit that people down on their luck can apply for and get and get quickly. Unlike medical care, disability, housing assistance, child care assistance, etc.

City Week Ahead

Very full week ahead.

Be Careful Who Your “Friends” Are!

I recently attended the Educate to Elevate Conference in Madison, and I was very skeptical going in. While I left the conference just...

Parisi’s Appearance – A little Defensive!

This was the first time most people had an opportunity to interact with our County Executive Joe Parisi - here is video of his committee testimony (without my snark) and the beginning (the rockier part) of the 1.5 hour discussion in the hallway, it did get better are this, but he didn't like the video taping.

BREAKTHROUGH! Parisi Talks! And Listens!

Yesterday was yet another amazing day in the saga of the fight for homeless rights and the Occupy saga. (photo by Jen Thompson)

An Official Explanation – Removal of Homeless from Lake View Hill

Homeless Issues Committee gets a pretty bizarre explanation of what happened. A tale of two very different realities.

Additional City Meetings

Seriously, why can't they just get this info up by Friday afternoon, within an hour of posting yesterday, there were notices of three more meetings

(Rest of the) County Week Ahead

Seems a little light this week . . . 13 meetings - only 10 left (sorry).