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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Nevermind, You’re still on that committee! For Now.

So annoying when the council members don't do their jobs and ask questions - in advance. Luckily, they are fixing this one and the people I blogged about will NOT be kicked off the committee - yet! Here's two explanations.

Ooops, Major Screw Up in Tenant/landlord Legislation

I've been frantically trying to figure this all out this weekend . . . what do the new laws really mean, what are the arguments that tenants and landlords should make while going to small claims court, but I didn't even think of this one since I'm focused on residential . . . check this out!

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Items people show up to talk about and . . .

Board of Estimates Recap

Short meeting, few agenda items, privatizing ambulance billing and water meters were discussed and a capital budget briefing.

County Tries to Help Homeless

While the city tries to pass a panhandling ordinance and gets all grinchy about Hippie Christmas, the county tries to address basic needs of the homeless.

So, Secret Deal to Create a Warming Shelter Finally Public

Yay! There will be a warming shelter for the homeless this winter again. Boo! The process sucks and the details matter.

The Rest of the City Week Ahead

Same excuse as why I didn't get the county week ahead done. Don't like, fire me. :)

Let the Campaigning (for Mayor) Begin!

Oh dear . . . the fundraising has started!

City’s Plan for Affordable Housing and Homelessness

Sigh . . . we have plans in the CDBG office that I am sure very few people understand. I have blogged about our anti-poverty plan that is in here in the past. This year I expanded my comments. CDBG Commission will be taking public comments on their draft tonight if you want to add your comments - now is the time!

Breaking: Madison City Council Passes Immigration Resolution

Wow! Unanimous vote for Immigration resolution. Solomon, Sandborn, Clausius, Schumacher and Pham-Remmele absent. Compton co-sponsored even.

The City’s Housing Policy Solutions

Sigh, what do you do when the Mayor gives you a task with a ridiculous timeline and no money. I talked with the Chair of the Housing Diversity Committee, Brian Munson and committee and School Board Member Marj Passman to find out.

“Broken” Process Public Hearings Rescheduled

I missed the Economic Development Committee meeting last Wednesday, so I was a bit confused about why the public hearings were not on the...