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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Week Ahead

Wow, November is on the way! Lots of missing links this week.

Occupy Returns!

Existence, not Resistance.

Tenant Resource Center Fundraiser Tonight

I've been a housing counselor for the Tenant Resource Center since 1991 when I was a volunteer housing counselor, I was the volunteer coordinator for about a year and a half, served on the board of directors and in 1995 (17 years ago!) I became the Executive Director. Things sure have changed over the years . . .

We need An Apology, Compensation and Report Back!

Homeless Issues Committee Unanimously agreed to ask the police and city officials to apologize to the homeless persons who last all their worldly possession on State St. when the police and parks department broke the law and threw their stuff in a dump truck.

Do you really believe this?

I've been sitting on this since last Friday. Partially because it is so unbelievable, but also because I was just swamped with things to blog - there is so much more going on that I also have blog materials for - but this one is just amazing. Just when you need one of those damn police video cameras . . . it wasn't working?

Board of Estimates Budget Recap, Amendments 32 – 38

Some day I will perfect the skill of being in two places at once and it won't take me three days to blog one meeting! Here's the final amendments.

Board of Estimates Budget Discussion Recap (Amendments 20 – 32)

Sorry to make you wait. Here's more of the meeting on Monday.

Board of Estimates Budget Discussion Recap (Amendments 1 – 19)

The meeting was a little over 5 hours long, I wasn't even in town for the first 2 and a half hours, but I tivo'd it, so here's what I got.

County Board Budget Hearing Recap Meeting

Carousel Bayrd running the meeting! Packed house! So, briefly . . . .

City Budget Amendments

These are the amendments that the Board of Estimates will be discussing after 18 other items. I was guessing that they will be done with the other items in about 45 minutes, but you never know.

County Budget Public Hearing. Amendments and Confusing Process

I gotta say, I am just confused this year. Just when I think I know what is going on, I guess I figured out that I have no clue what is going on. Luckily, I can call supervisors and ask . . . but their process shouldn't be that confusing that you need someone to explain it to you.

County Week Ahead

Also a big budget meeting - on the same night as the city.