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District 9 AHAA Answers: Nikki Conklin and Paul Skidmore on Housing & Homelessness

The Affordable Housing Action Alliance asked the City Council candidates their views on several housing questions.  Here are their answers for District 9

District 10 AHAA Answers: Yannette Figueroa Cole & Mara Eisch on Housing & Homelessness

The Affordable Housing Action Alliance asked the City Council candidates their views on several housing questions.  Here are their answers for District 10

District 12 AHAA Answers: Tessa Echeverria & Syed Abbas on Housing & Homelessness

The Affordable Housing Action Alliance asked the City Council candidates their views on several housing questions. Here are their answers for District 12

District 14 AHAA Answers: Brandi Grayson and Sheri Carter on Housing & Homelessness

The Affordable Housing Action Alliance asked the City Council candidates their views on several housing questions.  Here are their answers for District 14.

District 16 AHAA Answers: Jael Currie and Matt Tramel on Housing & Homelessness

The Affordable Housing Action Alliance asked the City Council candidates their views on several housing questions.  Here are their answers for District 16.

District 18 Anders: Rebecca Kemble and Charles Myadze on Housing & Homelessness

The Affordable Housing Action Alliance asked the City Council candidates their views on several housing questions. Here are their answers for District 18.

District 19 AHAA Answers: Keith Furman and Aisha Moe on Housing & Homelessness

The Affordable Housing Action Alliance asked the City Council candidates their views on several housing questions.  Here are their answers for District 19.
consent agenda

Madison: What will the City Council Talk About Tonight?

Nuthin'.  Nothing was excluded to be talked about by the alders.  I guess that is one way to keep the meetings short?

Solutions to Long Council Meetings? Reduce Public Input?

Ugh, I hate these discussions.  It's been tried before, the proposed solutions are always the same and its never good for democracy.
city committee agendas

City Week Ahead 3/15/21

28 (or 30?) meetings this week, including a Council meeting.  13 meetings (nearly half) before 4pm.

MMSD: Back to School In Person before May!

Here's the schedule, hot off the presses.  News to even MMSD staff members who found out the same time we did less than an hour ago.

National Homelessness Law Center on McPike Park

A little late, since the park is already closed.  But interesting comment about FEMA funds and how they are paying 100% reimbursement for funding of hotels.