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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Week Ahead

3 meetings are being held in violation of Madison General Ordinance 33.01(10)(b). Other meetings I'm interested in this week is the Integrated Pest Management (pesticides and herbicide usage) Task Force, the Task Force on City Government talking about the Mayor's Office and the Festival Fatigue Discussion at the Downtown Coordinating Committee. You might be interested in the ALRC discussing Alcohol on Campus and the costs to the City or something else, take a look!

Video Tsunami (Part 1)

So, I've had a Facebook Live tragedy of some sort that I temporarily stopped trying to fix, so I've gone old school and am just video taping and uploading to YouTube.  But then, I had another problem in that I ran out of hard drive space . . . so I got behind (Bought 8 more Terabytes so I should be good for a while!).  And since I didn't timely upload the videos, many people are asking where they went.  To simplify things, here's the first wave .  . . more to come . . .
Round Up

Round Up

This one is jam packed cuz it's been a while.  I was more interested in getting perennials for Occupy Madison and completing my balcony gardening project at my house then blogging . . . so I was slacking!  This is only done through Friday afternoon . . . 

Video Tsunami – Part 2

Here's another video dump for those who have seen me at meeting with my camera and wonder where they go. They are also all on my youtube channel for now - until I get my livestreaming fixed again.

Public Hearing on Bus Route Changes Next Wednesday

On Wednesday, April 24, Metro Transit and the City of Madison Transportation Commission will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m. to discuss potential service updates proposed to go into effect in August.

City Week Ahead

A LOT going on. Bus Rapid Transit and Urban Forestry Meetings to get public input, alcohol licenses renewal time, new staff for the Police and Fire Commission, Council meeting, 1st Common Council Executive Committee meeting - Mayor will be there to talk about shared priorities and the budget and so much more!
what will the council talk about

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Well, we'll see. But here's the items they pulled off in advance. They will pass the entire agenda with the recommended actions in one motion except things people show up to talk about, things alders might pull off at the meeting and these items.
what will the council talk about

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Here's the actual agenda for tonight's meeting, pending changes if people from the public show up to speak or an alder pulls something more than this for discussion.
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings

3 meetings added, 1 cancelled. ADDED Meeting: Madison Food Policy Council - Pollinator Protection Work Group Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 1:30pm Location: Central Library 201 W Mifflin St Room...

NO Snow Emergency Tonight!

Now I'm thoroughly convinced the startegy is to keep us confused so we get more tickets. The snow emergency declared yesterday is cancelled.
Round Up

Round Up

Random things happening around town and in local government.
mo' meetings and round up

Round Up and Mo’ Meetings

Late noticed City meetings and a random sampling of things I found to be of interest, hopefully you do too! West Wilson St. and E Johnson St. road reconstructions, watershed study public meetings, Bernie's coming to town (will you be able to find him?), jumping worms and more.