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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Week Ahead

The Clerk's Schedule only had 7 meetings, there were 15 in Legistar and 16 meetings total.  I'm guessing the MG&E fire and sending people home for the day is impacting the schedule. PFAS, Urban Forestry Task Force Report, Dogs in Parks, 2020 Budget Schedule, Syd Boyum Sculptures, reconsideration of speed humps on Spaight St. and more.

City Week Ahead

Items of interest this week: Disciplinary matter for Visions Alcohol License, Equitable Development report, historic preservation plan and ordinance, city use of pesticides and herbicides, capital square cafes, plastic straws and Mifflandia neighborhood plan.

City Week Ahead

28 meetings, 4 cancelled, 3 don't have agendas. Tour the public market, more Judge Doyle Square discussions, Essen Haus redevelopment, Ho-Chunk development, Truman Olson property/South Grocery store, flooring solutions and studies, bus service to Sun Prairie and more.

Edgewater Round Up

Here's some of the stuff that has come flying out in the past couple days.DOCUMENTSTIF Staff ReportEngineers ReportPublic Access AgreementMansion Hill Steering Committee ReportStaff...

City Week Ahead

Here's what we have - but expect changes to be made all week long. This will be the first look at the new alder assignments. New alders on Finance Committee, Plan Commission, Water Utility Board, Transportation Commission and more.

City Week Ahead

Waaaay more meetings than I expected this week. I thought everyone would be in "end of summer" mode. Judge Doyle Negotiations, Urban Forestry Report, Mifflandia Neighborhood Plan, Neighborhood Center and Youth Programming funding, Edgewood, PFAS, Fair Housing Complaints in jeopardy from Trump administration, Task Force on Structure of City Government Open House, role of transportation committees, room tax committee, surveillance camera report and more!

City of Madison Redistricting

Maps, polling places, process and just about everything you probably want to know . . .

City Week Ahead

Judge Doyle Square Legal issues (in closed session), Archipeligo Village (11 Story building on E Wash), PFAS committee, SSM Health building, Task Force on Structure of City Government to make recommendations, Housing Strategy committee actually meeting! and once again, no agenda for the Police Policy & Procedure Review Committee . . . and more.

Demolition Updates

I'm working on a history of demolitions, looking for trends, but for now, here are all the (31) demolition proposals since my last update . . . in September.

“The City” Is A Horrible Affordable Housing Partner!

Send a former police detective (Gloria Reyes) to do a Social Services Job - and you get what a police officer would do. Not what is needed. The City should not be pursuing an action against its community partner when there has been so much progress.

“Shocking” Levels of Contamination Found at Madison-Kipp Corporation in Recent Tests

Recent tests at Madison-Kipp Corporation reveal “shocking” levels of PCEs in groundwater beneath the factory and offsite, according to Dr. Lorne Everett, an international hydrogeology expert and key witness in the RCRA civil lawsuit brought by neighbors against Kipp. Everett, who has worked with hundreds of contaminated sites worldwide, concluded that Madison-Kipp is “one of the most contaminated sites that I’ve ever worked with.”

Stop Piling on….

I know Chris Rickert, is fairly new to the Wisconsin State Journal, but I usually really like his columns. Today however, his...