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Topics related to the city of Madison.

The City Week Ahead

Operating budget season begins . . .

ACLU Urges Reconsideration of Panhandling Ordinance

Ya pretty much saw that one coming, right?!

Madison Police Cracking Down on Free Speech

What!? Taking a page out of the Capital Police playbook?

Community Services Takes a Hit In City Budget

So much for taking poverty seriously. As needs and expenses go up, agencies are looking at decreases. Again, for the geeks and those from agencies affected . . . and all their clients. The real issue here is that most non-profits will see a 5% decrease in funding

Additional City Budget Information

This comes from the city Finance Director. Explaining more details of the budget.

Soglin Explains His 25% Number

I just had to ask, and he answered.

Warming Shelter Snafu

So, it's not going to be opening on November 1st at Wright St. and they are backing off on a few other things too.

Council Recap

Sorta live blogged again - this time, with a giant cup of diet Mountain Dew! (Yes, not Diet Coke, so watch out!)

Tid Bits From Common Council Organizational Committee

This committee is the only committee that has only alders on it, so it is a good sign of things to come

Am I Worthy? Am I from Madison?

Wow, I said Soglin has gone nuts - now is he just lying? This Mayoral hatred of the homeless is getting really bizarre

City Week Ahead Do-Over

They added 6 meetings since yesterday morning and I can now access some of the agenda's that were previously unavailable.

City Week Ahead Is Really Messed Up

October! Already!