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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Soglin has gone nuts

He wants to bus the homeless out our of Madison. Seriously. Demonstration today at noon.

Stunning Disrespect for a Neighborhood

It just gets worse and worse. Check this out - Alder Maniaci's last minute proposal for the James Madison Park Neighborhood was sent to EVERYONE, except the neighborhood.

My Neighborhood Is a Nightmare

Politically, that is. My alder, at the last minute and without consultations with anyone, wants to up-zone it tonight at the plan commission . . . which is making me think again what a disaster this situation is. It's definitely an only-in-Madison situation.

Things Going on Around Town

Still trying to clear out my email . . . here's a bit, I have a bunch more!

Half Time Council President Proposal is Silly

This reeks of someone trying to score political points and ignores the real issues they should be addressing.

Board of Estimates Recap – TIF Discussion

There were three amendments in the capital budget regarding TIF - the discussion is 20 - 25 minutes long.

Board of Estimates Recap – Sans Budget (w/ Union Contracts)

This part is short and sweet . . . Getting Started Shiva Bidar Sielaff calls the meeting to order. They do roll call -...

Ooops, 17 Amendments!

I missed the revised version . . . and there are two LETS GIVE THE DEVELOPERS WHAT THEY WANT TIF Amendments. This is absurd.

AFSCME Local 60/City of Madison Agreement

Here's the agreement that should be approved by the union on Tuesday and then the City Council may have an emergency meeting on Thursday.

15 Capital Budget Amendments

Its been so quiet, I"m surprised there are this many amendments. Is anyone paying attention? Board of Estimates will be discussing tonight.

County Week Ahead

13 meetings here, but probably more complete!

County Board Recap, Part I

So, here we go . . . mostly live blogged . . .