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Sorry - light blogging week - busy with work. SB179 is currently kicking my ass. Nothing but work - tons of blogging...

County Week Ahead

I just can't blog at work, this should have taken 20 minutes to finish . . . an hour and a half later, no progress. So, it is what it is so far. Will finish tomorrow.

Petition Away!

After a full year of the City of Madison blocking electronic petitions, the signatures should start going through today! Yay! Unfortunately, how we got here was a little ugly

City, Including Libraries Closed W & Th

City, including the libraries (formerly serving as warming shelters) are closed Wednesday and Thursday. Check mymetrobus.com for bus schedules.

Mark Clear Doesn’t Get It Council Recap ( Part 2)

Every. Alder. In. The. Room. Had. To. Speak. Plus, the mayor. And the vote was 18 - 1. In their defense,...

Concession in City/County Tax Collection Dispute

It seems like they might have a proposal to solve one tiny portion of the dispute, but we still don't know what tiny percentage of people will take advantage of this, there's still the foreclosure/delinquency issue that is not resolved and the question of if all the costs for new software, reprogramming and other staff headaches are going to be worth it.

Additional Meeting this Week.

There were less meetings added than I thought, but this one serves as a great reminder of what the rules are. Thanks to the Clerk's Office!

Here’s About 80% of the City Week Ahead

Think that's about right, there's 13 meetings on the schedule this week, I might have aimed a little high and been a bit optimistic, might be 70% or less. We'll see.

Staff Revolt at Madison City Channel?

As the Madison City Channel ad hoc group is getting ready to make their final recommendations, the staff dropped a little bomb shell on...

Round One Results of Neighborhood Summit

Ok - so the summit focused on a brainstorming session followed by a dot exercise to see what was most popular by attendees. What follows is the results of the first exercise.

6th District Alder ISSSSS Running

Sorry I gave some people cause for alarm with my headline yesterday . . . and yes, Rummel is running!

More Towing Tonight and Tomorrow

I keep hoping that S Few street shows up on the list since one car has screwed up about 3 or 4 parking spots...