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Topics related to the city of Madison.

The mysterious resolution . . . on the Homeless Day Shelter

It is essentially a brand new resolution - I just got it around 3:00. New language is bold and old language is deleted.

Mayor Explains Why TIF Needs Fixing

He spoke to the Economic Development Commission about why he thinks they need to review the policy. The mayor was 10 minutes late and they...

So, Secret Deal to Create a Warming Shelter Finally Public

Yay! There will be a warming shelter for the homeless this winter again. Boo! The process sucks and the details matter.

Need a Traffic Light?

Here's how you get one . . .

More Things Going on Around Town . . .

There was a lot, lot more . . . might have to do this again tomorrow!

Council Recap, Part II

Panhandling and Taxis.

What the City Council is Talking About Tonight

September 18, 2012 Common Council Meeting Proposed Consent Agenda Exclusions

Things Going On Around Town Round Up

Not a media round up - but a round up of various emails I get about events, presentations, input sessions, etc.

More Meetings That Didn’t Make It In by Monday Morning

I don't know why its so hard, but there is a definite patter to which staff care enough to get their stuff in and those who don't. I don't always follow up - but PSRC and Board of Assessors are frequent offenders.

Hey, Let’s Change TIF Policy . . . AGAIN!

I've been hearing rumors of this, saw an email that went out last week, and now we have the official word from the mayor . . .

Homeless, but still deserves respect

Daniel Callahan was recently ruthlessly kicked off the homeless issues committee and called a racist by County Executive Joe Parisi - but he is willing to fight back. Demands apology in the least, reinstatement or appointment of another homeless person in the least

City Week Ahead

Another day, another week, more meetings. But none tonight.