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Topics related to the city of Madison.

A Better Occupy

All summer long we searched for better options, but we found none. So, we're back at 800 E. Washington, but hopefully have learned from past experiences and remain open to better locations - but there is no doubt, there is a need for somewhere to provide limited shelter, minimal heat and a sense of community.

Why so Many Candidates for Council?

Because they think they can do better? I kinda had to laugh about the reasons current council members are suggesting about why there are so...

Real Life Heros – City Staff and Homeless Man

Wow, I'm so proud to know both people who came to the rescue and saved the life of a woman who was distraught over potentially being evicted by the CDA

What the City Council Will Talk About Tonight

Unless we show up and have the at least listen to us on other topics . . .

Monday’s Changes to the City Week Ahead

Five of them.

Demolition of Water Utility Building

A pet peeve of mine - is this former (in the process of being sold) Water Utility Building really in such bad shape...

Demolition Time

Another single family home . . . probably "too small" for our modern world.Please be advised that JENNY ACKER will be filing a demolition...

Public Workshops on Monona Terrace Station

The meetings are next week . . .

People’s Affordable Housing Vision Complete! Sign on!

The Inclusionary Zoning law went away about a year and a half ago, a committee was formed, they were told to solve the problem without money and they have talked and talked and talked and talked and nothing has happened, cuz, how can it, without money? Now more than ever, we need a concerted grass roots effort to make sure our local government is doing more to expand housing opportunities for everyone in our community.

Who attended the Neighborhood Summit?

One spin, from Tim Cooley, the Economic Development Director would be that it was only 10% of the neighborhoods in the city. Here's some facts for you to determine for yourself . . . pesky facts.

Midweek Morning Round Up

Two days in a row . . . I hope I'm back on track for daily updates!

Overture’s Over Round Up

I missed the first 3.5 hours of the meeting, so I have no recap of the council meeting this morning . . . other, more important things to do last night . . . here's what's going on around town.