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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Alder Races Rundown, Rumors and 2 New Candidates

Deadline for Alders to Declare they are not running is past, 6 alders out. A new candidate in District One (Sanborn) and Sixteen (Compton) a run down of who has filed at least some papers. And where there are rumors of additional candidates running.

Overture Update!

Ok, its not that exciting. Transitioning . . .

City Week Ahead

Snow. Snow. Snow. Hope Snoop Dogg makes it to Madison!

Tea Party Rally (Counter Rally) on Saturday

It's amazing how many people forwarded this to me . . . they must be casting a very wide net to get people there. But I'm not sure it's the people they want there. How much will we outnumber them by this time?


I asked someone in city hall, who has been around for a long time, what they thought of the "new council" and after first pausing they said it was "average". I laughed. That sums it up perfectly.

Another reason Greyhound really sucks . . .

Ok, its not often I think about motorcycle parking, but this is kinda annoying. Greyhound moved around so much, bumped parking and now doesn't even need the space since they moved. I don't even know where they are any more. Anyways, more than you need to know about motorcycle parking and Greyhound. This is also on the Transit and Parking Commission Agenda.

Urban League’s Closed Meeting

Yeah, I wasn't allowed to go, because I'm a blogger. A few folks who have similar community media roles, but also are heavily involved in the community were asked to leave. Leaves me a little suspicious . . . and curious. I'm not buying it that you can't have this type of conversation with media present.

Central Library Closing on Friday

And no place for the homeless to go has been found starting on Saturday. With the snow coming today, and all the rain last night, could you imagine being outside through all of this? Anyways, here's the details.

Learn about Alternatives for Frautchi/Rowland Vision

The 100 block of State St could be sleek and modern and exclusive, or . . . it could honor our history . . . you can learn more about an alternative vision for the block and why it is important and how we can save the landfills and reduce our carbon footprint.

Rally Against Citizen’s United/Occupy the Courts Tonight!

We can't have a real democracy if we can't have fair campaigns with candidates that are not bought by the highest bidder.

Evidence of Increasing Poverty

Warning: This isn't pretty.

Here’s an Stupid Wrinkle for UW Student Tenants

Wow. Thank you Scott Walker. (yes, that's sarcasm) This sounds like it might even lead to deportation of international students?