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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Live Blog of the Common Council Meeting, Part I (Final)

Well, I'm attempting a live blog, because after 11 hours or so of meeting, which is what I am predicting, I suspect I won't...

How to Escape the Isthmus During Ride the Drive

Apparently, there was an informational meeting for downtown neighbors at Gates of Heaven on the 24th, somehow, I missed that.

Changes to this Week’s City Schedule

Yeah, they didn't disappoint me, plenty of changes.

Tonight’s Council Consent Agenda

Looks like another Thuy Pham-Remmele show tonight. She separated almost all the items for discussion this evening. The Exclusion list is below. Here's...

News from the Neighborhood Summit

Don't worry, I'm not dead, dying or deathly ill, I took the weekend off . . . so I missed the Neighborhood Summit.

Watchdog: 25 years of Muckraking and Rabblerousing

Bill Lueders from the Isthmus shares some of his writings from the past few years . . . catch my interview on his book! Ok,...

MCAD/201 State: Sorry Council, No Delay

You must decide on Overture tonight, not two weeks from now.

Short Week Ahead . . .

7 meetings . . . .

Candidates! (5:00 pm Update)

I'll update this throughout the day. The deadline is at 5:00 today. Yesterday, there were three new candidates that filed, one against Marsha Rummel, two against Brian Solomon. And yes, Solomon filed yesterday, the only incumbent left . . . Paul Skidmore.

About those predictions . . .

How'd I do?

Board of Estimates Recap

A little short, but at least I'm back to paying attention to city business AND my keyboard works which makes blogging much, much easier! Yay!

City Week Ahead

Let's see if I can finish it this week . . .