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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Week Ahead

Here's what we know now . . . likely to change many times throughout the week . . . watch for Mo' Meetings. This week we have the rescheduled Council Meeting. It's the last week of the month with several "5th" days of the month, so it's a little light - only 14 meetings - because regularly scheduled meetings often skip the "5th"s.
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings

1 cancelled, two added at the City.

My Neighborhood Is a Nightmare

Politically, that is. My alder, at the last minute and without consultations with anyone, wants to up-zone it tonight at the plan commission . . . which is making me think again what a disaster this situation is. It's definitely an only-in-Madison situation.
what will the council talk about

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight

Only the following things, unless the public shows up and registers to speak or an alder pulls something off at the meeting.

Token Creek Disaster Area – UPDATED

This is how the county treats the homeless. #$%#@! And now the van isn't going to pick people up today.
mo meetings

Mo’ (Cancelled) Meetings

If you're keeping track, 2 more cancelled meetings makes 4 cancelled meetings and 4 added meetings this week. 8 changes in 3 days.
Progressive Dane Members

Meet Progressive Dane Candidates Tonight

6:30, Downtown Public Library.

City Week Ahead

Election this week for county board seats, approval of construction noise that impacts downtown residents, police policy committee discussing public oversight committee, fair housing report and more!

Snow Plowing Update

Yeah. Seriously.

Hariah H. Hutkowski Wants Your Money!

And he wants as much of your taxpayer money as he can get his hands on. If you live in Sun Prairie...

12 minute Finance Committee Recap

Item 2 (Anesis Center funding for mental health case management and community programming for Southeast Asision elders and individuals with mental health needs) was referred to the next meeting, more time was spent getting the mayor a pen (he had his tire gauge instead) than anything else.

Capital Budget, Axed and Added!

Here's the info on what changed since last year and a comparison of the agency requests and what made it into Mayor Rhodes-Conway's budget. Let's see what the priorities are!