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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Short Week Ahead . . .

7 meetings . . . .

Candidates! (5:00 pm Update)

I'll update this throughout the day. The deadline is at 5:00 today. Yesterday, there were three new candidates that filed, one against Marsha Rummel, two against Brian Solomon. And yes, Solomon filed yesterday, the only incumbent left . . . Paul Skidmore.

The Day or So Ahead . . .

So distracted . . . .

Items Council Members Will Discuss Tonight (Updated AGAIN)

These are the items that need more than 11 votes or alders want to talk about tonight. And of course, there is the Zoning Code Rewrite public hearing tonight as well.

Teacher Pay – Part 2 – Solutions!

I have been accused of just complaining and offering up no solutions. Since I offered up we need to pay teachers what they...

Let the agenda additions begin!

Ooops, there's a plan commission meeting tonight . . . yeah, that's a major miss on the weekly agenda. I wonder, how is it legally noticed now? 4 meetings added for this week in the last two hours.

Council Recap Part II

Well, I'm ready for a new laptop! But for now, this external keyboard will do. Here's the rest of the meeting.

Wisconsin Professional Police Association Endorses Vicky

Recently the Wisconsin Professional Police Association Endorsed Vicky Selkowe "In a crowded field of outstanding candidates, Vicky Selkowe's experience and expertise are second-to-none," said WPPA...

No Wonder it is so Absurd . . .

The other day I blogged about how absurd running a non-profit can be these days . . . yesterday, I had this chart sitting on my desk and I think I stared at it for an hour, trying to figure out how it got so absurd. A death of a thousand cuts, I guess. Check out the real numbers behind the anecdotes about why nonprofits are struggling, at least for one non-profit I am intimately familiar with.

Don Miller Properties to be Used as Daytime Homeless Shelter?

Still trying to get the details on this, I've heard a little, have a few thoughts and think the devil may be in the details (still looking for them - not attached to emails I got).

Dane County Tenants Lose Rights Starting Today

Tenant Resource Center: Ready for Your Questions!

MG&E’s Poor Judgement

I don't know, this sounds like really bad judgement. And the fact they weren't trying to fix the problem is awful. Business interests vs. safety.