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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Round Up!

What's been happening lately in the news, and other things you should know.

The City Budget Week Ahead

They still managed to schedule 21 meetings, even tho they can't scheduled meetings during budget, which is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night.

City Plans to Buy MORE Downtown Land

At what point do we exceed our capacity to get things done?

Paul Soglin: B-Cycle LLC, Bike Share Program

My question this week. Paul answered, Dave didn't.
Sure, its cool but . . . is it a good idea to make a sole source deal with Trek to provide bike kiosks for the City of Madison at a cost of $300,000 ($100,000 from this year's contingent reserve) to the taxpayer in this current economy? Should there have been an RFP, why or why not? Is it appropriate to use money from the contingent reserve?

Defense of Not Inspecting New Furnaces

Channel 3 did a story on how the City of Madison does not follow up on inspections of new furnaces because the contractors do not tell them they are done with the work. The city responds:

Local Conservatives Stymied by Lack of Understanding of Open Records Law

A while back I reported that local conservative groups were launching a series of open records requests with the Madison School District that targeted...

Parisi Scoops Up Endorsements!

22 County Board Supervisors and Scott McDonell . . . this is from Tuesday, but I doubt it was covered.

Dane County Republicans Gone Wild!

What more crazy shit could they do? I want someone to apologize for this. I love my facebook friends, check out this awful/crazy press release about Judge Sumi if you haven't already seen it, their behind the scenes explanation of what they really meant and some of the comments from my friends.

The Week Ahead

Reminder, they often add meetings to this throughout the week, so you should really check back with the Weekly Meeting Schedule, which is the closest to the official schedule that you can find on the internet. The official notices are hung outside the clerk's office.

James Madison Park Houses

Final action on what will happen?

Seven Families Sue Kipp

Lawsuit filed over dangerous levels of contamination.

Help Build a Hoop House this Weekend

Gotta hand it to these Occupy folks . . . they are tenacious and creative. And still here!