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Topics related to the city of Madison.

What’s with this Larry Guy?

And is anyone going to miss Katherine Plominski? Apparently not, they're leaving her position open for a while instead of filling it. ...

The City Week Ahead

Here's the items they want the public to know about . . . and then later this week other items will be added. I don't know why there isn't a rule that it has to be posted prior to Friday at noon, but it seems like there should be.

Overture Deal Reached

Stay tuned, press conference planned for today . . . This came out about 11:00 last night. I was at the bar reading...

Common Council Recap: Part I, The Thuy Game

Play along, won't you?

Council Members talk Snow (In July)

Ok, the snow report is done, now, what are they really serious about? Will they spend millions to get more employees for the...

Monday Morning Round Up

Catching up from a weekend away . . . slowly . . .

Is this about City Staff or the Public?

Obsessed with an elevator. . . don't know how that happened, its just so absurd and gets wackier by the day.

Are Police Going to Start Ticketing the Homeless for Sleeping?

I wish I had more time to dig into this issue, but here's what I know . . .

“Broken” Process Primer for Tonight

The Economic Development Committee is holding its only public hearing on this topic tonight at the Monona Terrace Hall of Ideas. Here's the background info you might be interested in! No shortage of opinions here!

Round Up in Pictures

This could be one big "Stoopid City" post . . . but the pictures are kind of a then and now kind of round up.

City Capital Budget – Amendment 14

Landbanking with bk comments. Just what exactly are they doing with the money and why? and what is the strategy?

New Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development Nominated

When you think of good planning, do you think of Atlanta?