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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Trapping in Dane County Parks: Action Needed Tonight

A letter and call to action for tonight - trapping in county parks?

Downtown Plan Wrapping Up

The plan commission is having its final meetings for final changes to the Downtown Plan. The business community and all their paid loobyists are all over this thing, coming up with their own proposals and suggestions. I hope the people who live downtown are paying attention too.

Campus Bus Changes?

Input needed. UW-Madison Transportation Services will be making changes to campus bus service and is seeking input at two upcoming May meetings. The changes are necessarily...

Board of Estimates Budget Discussion Recap (Amendments 1 – 19)

The meeting was a little over 5 hours long, I wasn't even in town for the first 2 and a half hours, but I tivo'd it, so here's what I got.

Gosh the County Can Be Rude!

Is it just me? Or is this lack of responses kinda stunning. How do you resolve a conflict when one party is simply ignoring the other . . .

Things going on Around Town

A little round up of random items you might be interested in . . .

County Week Ahead

Because the county mails their agendas, these are usually all here on Mondays - I wish we could find a happy medium of having materials on time, and available electronically.

Zach Madden: Permissible Pollution

Construction is a license to pollute. Here's Zach's summary of the 6/17/13 Committee on the Environment meeting. Thanks Zach!

What the Council Will Talk About Tonight

Unless you show up and speak to something, of course, no guarantee they will talk about it, but it won't be passed in one big amendment and it will give them pause to think for a moment.

Board of Estimates – Operating Budget Amendments

Board of Estimates - items 2 - 10 passed in one motion. Only two items left, a presentation by the Finance Director for the City's Life Insurance program and the budget item. This is mostly "live blogged" so not as precise and missed a few parts.

What’s with this Larry Guy?

And is anyone going to miss Katherine Plominski? Apparently not, they're leaving her position open for a while instead of filling it. ...

The City Week Ahead

Here's the items they want the public to know about . . . and then later this week other items will be added. I don't know why there isn't a rule that it has to be posted prior to Friday at noon, but it seems like there should be.