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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Reward to Find Dog, Please Help

This is from the dog bit outside La Fete de Marquette, please help if you can.

Last Minute Changes to Edgewater TID Rushed Through Plan Commission

Last night was one of those nights that sucked to try to cover things in city hall. I managed to catch part of Landmarks, part of Plan, part of Landmarks again, park of Plan again and none of Board of Estimates. And, the kicker, my TiVo died so I couldn't compensate. Boo. Anyways, here's what Plan did on the Edgewater TID with bk comments.

Tenant Resource Center Still Rocks At 30!

Yeah, I was 12 when the Tenant Resource Center got started . . . and 1 when the Madison Tenant Union got started . . . but I"ve been volunteering or working for TRC for 19 of the 30 years! Join us in celebrating tonight . . . and tomorrow!

Approving Edgewater’s “Public Improvements”

Board of Public Works items on the Council agenda can be some of the least informative, so I'm not sure I really know what is proposed to be approved but here is what I do know . . . and it includes our first glimpse of the "Public Access Management Agreement"

Bad/Bury the News Friday

Economic Development Director Tim Cooley resigns at the end of the month. Just barely two weeks notice. New (Temporary) Economic Development Director anointed.

Policy on Undergrounding Utility Wires in a Flash!

Board of Estimates today, Board of Public Works Wednesday and probably approved by council a week from tomorrow. So, if you're interested in how much you pay and how and when and why, you might want to read this.

Court Cases for the Revolution

Here's the dates/times on two of them:

WORT Needs Help from Cooks!

For all of you who have that special recipe . . . this is your chance to be in a cookbook!

East Side – Lights Out!

Ok, Eastsiders!! It may be a little dark in your 'hood tonight. Be careful! From: Dettmann, Dan Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 2:07 PM To:...

Operating Budget Department Requests – Part I

Here's what the departments submitted to the mayor for the operating budget - what the Mayor chooses to do with it we won't officially know until the first Tuesday in October. And then we'll see if any of these budget community discussions has any impact on the requests.

Follow up to CCB Signs to Get Rid of the Homeless

City-County Liaison Committee met to discuss, but postponed to the next meeting after a little very annoying information was shared.

Human Services Still Facing Drastic Cuts

It seemed like good news when County Executive Parisi announced he would "restore" $1.9M in funds. But here's the what still isn't funded . . . the list is extensive and breathtaking.