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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Tenant Resource Center Fundraiser Tomorrow Night

Music, free food, silent auction, cash bar. 5 - 7:30 Brink Lounge (701 E Washington Ave.) We really need your support, donations of any size welcome, suggested donation $25 at the door (but give what you can within your means, we understand!) Tons of details below.

The Tree Butchers are Coming!

Is MG&E coming to V your tree? Will your lovely street trees get hacked this year and will you be stuck looking at V trees? Or will the trees be completely removed? Here's the list of the "lucky" folks who will get their street trees butchered by MG&E this year.

Occupy Tear Down Incredibly Ironic and Unfair

Volunteers needed . . . along with laundry facilities, tools, etc. to help recycle Occupy.

Bus Stop Voter Registration!

More volunteers needed . . . League of Women Voters and City Clerks office is registering people at bus stops . . .. the process to get qualified to do so it outlined here as well. Remember, there is only one week to get people registered! Starting yesterday . . .

Occu-Potluck at Occu-Camp!

The Occupiers are back! Well, they've been scattered all over, but they never went away . . .

Council Briefing Tonight?

On sister cities? Wasn't on the weekly agenda . . .

What is Going on With The City Chief Planning Director?!

Hmmm . . . last night the council meeting really only dealt with one (or two) issues. The main issue of the night was a development on Iota Court. What was stunning - was what the Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development had to say about planning in our city! (with bk comments)

AHAA Endorsement: District 6

Marsha Rummel v. Scott Thornton

City to Address Heightened Concern about Property Left Behind After Boston Bombing . ....

When the City finds property they don't want to follow the state law, so they are trying to weaken it and they have the most bizarre explanation about what they are doing. We all know this is about homeless persons property.

HUD Wants Us To . . . Part II: Consider The Story of...

Targeting most vulnerable with longest histories of homelessness, Vulnerability Index, Mayor prioritizing ending homelessness, Office of Homeless Policy, 10 year plan to end homelessness, Interagency Council on Homelessness and true partnerships!

The Future of Madison Policing


City Budget Amendments Related to Homelessness

So, the final vote on the city budget will likely be tonight. 4 amendments of interest to folks who have been seeking services for our friends without homes in the community . . . 5 - 6 years later, might we finally get restrooms?