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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Johnson/Gorham Traffic Study Informational Meeting Tonight

Well, this kinda snuck up on me . . . not sure I can make it but . . . Looks like 9...

Need An Attorney, Ask the Court to Appoint One!

Usually, they only appoint attorneys in criminal cases or in guardian ad litem cases, but now, you can (and should in some cases) ask...

Need a Neighborhood Center – Speak Up!

The city is taking a year off from making decisions about which neighborhoods get resources and doing a study. If you feel like your neighborhood has needs, now is the time to let them know.

School Board Forums – The Isthmus, Sustain Dane and Ex-Mayor Dave Redefine “Fairness”

It is Board of Education candidate forum season and everyone is getting into the act (full list at the bottom).  That includes Sustain Dane...

Benford Endorses Wegleitner

Since some members of the press kept trying to make a story out of Progressive Dane's wonderful dilemma of having too many candidates who want to run - I thought people might find this of interest.

Public Hearing – What Should Community Services Priorities Be?

There's a public hearing tonight that will set the priorities that will be the basis for funding . . . well, maybe, if they...

Major Correction!

Council fixes their mistake.

Council Recap

Honeybees, nuisance parties and fireworks.

What the Council Will (Not) Talk About Tonight

This consent/non-consent agenda thing is always awkward to talk about. They will likely talk about nothing except these items and any item someone shows up to speak for or against. Even then, they usually vote and move on.

WYOU: One Year Stronger

If you had asked most people a year ago if WYOU would be here today, they would have said no. Well, HERE WE ARE!!! ONE YEAR STRONGER!!!!

What a GREAT! Bill

Of course, it has no chance of passing. Just had to point this out. SB511 actually does something good - so it wouldn't...