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Topics related to the city of Madison.

How Long Would You Have to Wait to Get Into Public Housing?

The note with this notice says that the wait times are changed due to fewer vacancies (i.e. not good news):Public Housing Wait TimesEffective 4/30/2010Estimated...

Live Blog of the Common Council Meeting, Part III (Final)

Ok, all we had in part two was presentations by Dunn and the neighborhood and now we will get to the 61 speakers.During the...

Monday Morning Rainy Week Ahead Round Up

It's a 3-day work week for me and I'm beginning to wonder how I'm going to get any work done in June with all the long weekends we have for music festivals and weddings, and Summerfest. Well, I know, I'm taking some work with me! Sigh . . . no worries, I keep up on the blogs, better than I've been doing lately.

Overture Discussion at CCOC

Also, live blogged. Heavy skepticism about the city's role.

Alleged Gang Members Denied Due Process

This is an awful policing tactic, why bother with evidence and probable cause and all those pesky rights and due process afforded people in our criminal justice system if you can just accuse them of something they have not done yet and get them deported without letting them have an opportunity to defend themselves . . . and this time, its not the Sheriff, its the Madison Police Department . . .

What’s Going on at the County?

Last week, not only did I have a little chat with County Board Chair Scott McDonell . . . I also had a little chat with County Executive Kathleen Falk . . . check it out!

Spring Referendum On Corporations Giving Political Contributions

Will there be one?

Where is the Train?

The question on a lot of people’s minds here in Madison is will Scott Walker follow through on his promise to stop the train...

Revised Alternate, Alternate on Overture

I really don't know what to call these things anymore, but this is the Schmidt/Bidar-Sielaff and now Rummel proposal for tonight, revised.

Zach Brandon’s Radical Ideas: Number One

Apparently, we can expect two every month . . .

What will the council discuss tonight?

Not much.

Styrofoam Saturday?

Ok, that's odd. But good.