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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Watch this.

907 homeless kids in our schools. 16 sleeping in their cars.

Snow Updates From the City

What is that white stuff out there?

Complain About Alternative Transportation on Leap Day!

With this being a leap-year, and the great day fast approaching, I hereby declare February 29th as "Complain about alternative transportation day."   So how about...

What’s In A Comment Policy

Comments on Madison.com and the Isthmus thedailypage.com can often get rough. Harsh comments and personal attacks and name calling - mostly done anonymously - are common. Check out the differences in the comments on these two posts about the same thing and the difference in the commenting policy

Downtown Plan Wrapping Up

The plan commission is having its final meetings for final changes to the Downtown Plan. The business community and all their paid loobyists are all over this thing, coming up with their own proposals and suggestions. I hope the people who live downtown are paying attention too.

Where Do You Buy Your Healthy Food?

Hope to see you tonight . . .

I’m horrified . . .how did this happen?

I don't know how I missed this, but there is so much going on . . . but this is horrendous . . .

Tenants’ Rights Rollercoaster

I'm sitting in the capital, waiting for them to NOT do something, and to hear what they say about their inaction. Absurd, I know.

Short, Mayorless Board of Estimates Meeting

Short but sweet.

Expect New Voting Procedures Today

Bring your ID . . . a photo ID.

Military Advertising on our Buses

This is why I voted against all this advertising - is this worth $10,000? Info I got from very helpful staff! The Wisconsin National Guard is...

Poll Workers Still Needed for Tomorrow

Kinda surprised - but I guess there is no sense of urgency since there is only a judges primary and a primary in District 2 in the City of Madison.