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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Is Today The Day Democracy Dies?

And then they came for democracy . . . Sounds dramatic and traumatic, but today is going to be an ugly day at the capital, perhaps worse than Act 10. While many people are focused on school vouchers, at the exact same time, something that has a much more far reaching effect, on everything, every issue that legislators and even local governments vote on.

Alternate Side Parking begins!

If you park on the street, move your car every 24 hours, unless you live downtown, then you only move it if it snows three inches or more or when the city randomly decides it is a snow emergency.

Random Round Up

Still catching up from vacation - so here's a few random things I didn't have more time for.

Alder Thuy Celebrated Cinco de Mayo a Little Too Much?

Or is Blaska writing this stuff for her? Or did someone hack her account?In response to the news that Mark Clear or "council...

City Week Ahead: Welcome, July.

I've been gone the last few weekends and I'm looking forward to being home . . . and getting caught up on all my work.

SCFL opposes privatizing the Overture Center

Here's the email to alders from Jim Cavanaugh:

Help Get Move To Amend on the Madison Ballot!

Corporations are not people, money is not speech and corporate contributions to the political process do not violate the 1st Amendment!

Citizen or Candidate Konkel?

Jesse Russell asks a good question about my blogging here on Forward Lookout. Jesse's question should be expanded to my radio and television show...

How Development Really Gets Done

Send your lobbyist to talk to the Mayor and get the State Journal to print a favorable story.. It's so commonplace and understood, it appears in public documents, as a matter of fact. Nevermind the rules.


You'd think, that after all this time, if the Mayor is being lobbied by his buddies, he'd have them register as lobbyists, right? Especially when it is a high profile and unusual budget item. Yeah, B-cycle LLC and Trek aren't registered as lobbyists. Time to file another complaint.

Dane County Executive Candidates Interviews

John Quinlan and myself interviewed Eileen Bruskewitz and Joe Parisi.

Not Very Exciting Week Ahead

The last week of the month usually is a little slow, but what is exciting is several agendas that usually pop up late are in on time. I wonder, is this a new world order?