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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Wisconsin Tenants About to Get Screwed

There's just no other way to put it . . . see what fresh new hell the Republican landlords have in store . . . 2 hearings and one vote on Wednesday, even tho it just got a bill number and became public late Monday.

Interim City Community Development Director Named

And the lucky person is . . .

Benches have to be removed, but not . . .

Check this out, in the hallway, leading up to the clerks office there is this . . . and it was there last week too.

One Year Stronger, City Week Ahead

I got the whole thing this week . . . sorry about last week.

A Brief Update on Two New Anti-Tenant Laws

This week there were two new anti-tenant bills that have been circulating up at the capitol. This is a brief update on what I know so far . . . subject to more investigation and interpretation! These will affect not just Madison and Dane County - this one affects ALL Wisconsin tenants!!!

Nevermind, You’re still on that committee! For Now.

So annoying when the council members don't do their jobs and ask questions - in advance. Luckily, they are fixing this one and the people I blogged about will NOT be kicked off the committee - yet! Here's two explanations.

Help A Family Keep Their Housing Assistance

You may have read the article in the paper about the mother who is going to lose her section 8 because her son, who is in jail, was is facing charges that he was involved in a shooting. As a result, she is going to lose her housing assistance, even tho he will not be returning to the household any time soon.

Can you ban people from a public building?

The next salvo from the mayor's office is to institute a procedure to ban people from the city-county building like they do at the library or Lisa Link park. I think it raises a few questions.

AFSCME Calls for Humane Solutions for Homeless in City-County Building

This is a GREAT! letter from AFSCME - they rock! Thank you so much!

Kaleem Caire’s Initial Response to the Plan to Close the Achievement Gap

Ok, I've never done this one before, but this is from the interview on Channel 3 this morning.

Rename Breese Stevens Field?

Sell naming rights? I don't know why I had such a visceral response to this, but I find it offensive. I...

Does Anyone Register to Lobby in the City Any More?

Or fill out expense forms? Lobbyists are required to register and fill out expense forms twice a year. Either the clerks office is terribly behind, or wow, there are a TON of violations! I only noticed because I have been getting contacted by nultiple people on multiple issues about lobbying and I was wondering why all the recent interest.