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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Council Recap, Part I of III

Everything except the alcohol issues . . . sorry its late, but there were 26 pages of notes and I went out for a beer after the meeting . . . that's what you get for free! But you won't find it anywhere else . . . this is what didn't make the news. There's some interesting issues that were discussed for a change.

How the City Will Address Barriers to Affordable Housing in the Next Year

Wow. This is truly pathetic.

City Not Doing Enough to Stop Discriminatory Practices of Bars

I'm disappointed, but with a little attention to this issue, maybe we can get them to do the right thing.

Worse than the Edgewater?

Epic public participation FAIL! I think I found a project that has even WORSE public participation than the Edgewater.

Benches have to be removed, but not . . .

Check this out, in the hallway, leading up to the clerks office there is this . . . and it was there last week too.

Major Correction!

Council fixes their mistake.

Help Take A Bite Out of Homelessness!

You know it! The chef's are back and ready to rumble!!!! Kitchen Stadium will be in the ballroom at the Brink Lounge (701 E Washington) tonight 5 - 7. 100% of the funds will go to PREVENT homelessness for families and individuals (unless you want to designate funds for TRC operations). Suggested donation $25, but everyone welcome, donate as you can.

Voting Info

I thought this would be helpful given the amount of questions people are asking me . . .

Ahem, Madison, Where’s Your Cooling Center? (Updated x 3)

Other communities have theirs open . . . where's Madison's?

Moving Daze Extra Dazing this Year

The Tenant Resource Center really doesn't need any extra publicity this time of the year, we are slammed with calls and people stopping by, and this year its extra confusing with all the law changes, so we are open some extra hours. Here's some info for movers.

Board of Estimates Recap

40 minutes, I should get this one done! Yikes, I just have no time for blogging any more!

Other Meetings of Interest this Week

A few meetings that aren't on the official roster but of interest . . .