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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Frautschi/Rowland Ultimatum to Urban Design Commission

Do what we want, or we walk!

The Voters are Going to Trample the Homeless!

There's a primary in district 2, quick, move the benches! It's a safety issue! Ya gotta be effing kidding me, I couldn't make this shit up. (And yes, call 911, I dropped the F-bomb)

Trapping in Dane County Parks: Action Needed Tonight

A letter and call to action for tonight - trapping in county parks?

Who Pays to Bury Poor People?

The county used to have a fund, it became a state function in last year's budget, but seems like that is not working out so well. Check this out.

About 40 people kicked off City Committees Last Night . . .

for failure to fill out their statement of interest forms. Not a word was said. Not a question asked. So, here's the people who are very likely to be surprised since I didn't hear them being reminded at the city committees I attended or watched on TV.

Mayor’s Alternative Economic Development Issues

Short and sweet.

New Overture Center Director

Here's the hype.

What will the council talk about tonight . . . .

All kinds of interesting things on the agenda, but I guess they think there is not much worth talking about . . . here's the two items council members have separated for discussion - kinda.

Wow, Interesting Madison Prep Debate.

Allen Ruff has been blogging about Kaleem Caire and in pointing out the facts, he has drawn criticism for attacking Caire. However, I...

The City’s Transportation Plan: Monorail?!

I fought for and was a lead sponsor for a transportation plan when I was on the council, therefore, Mayor Dave (and therefore staff) opposed it. Now we have a Mayor that is more interested in doing what is right then what is politically expedient. The plan commission got an overview last night.

How to Close the Achievement Gap

There is no doubt that almost every agrees this is an issue for the school district. Just not on how to get there. Tonight we get to hear Dan Nehrad's take on it . . . in Fitchburg, where the buses don't run.

Week of Action to Celebrate the Wisconsin Uprising.

February 11th-19th, 2012 - One Year Longer, One Year Stronger! These folks will be my guest today on WORT A Public Affair