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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Confused by Letters You Get about Badger Care?

Kicked off? Not kicked off? Practical advice from Legal Action of Wisconsin to be shared with anyone and everyone!

County Week Ahead

Budget deliberations begin . . .

Anti-Democracy County Board Members

A few members of the county board have been openly discussing their disdain for the public and the message is getting through loud and clear for me. This year's budget has been the worst! I don't know why they are so opposed to public input, but its kinda disgusting.

What will the Council Talk About Tonight?

This is what was sent out - sometimes it changes between the first time it gets sent out and the meeting, and it can change at the meeting as well . . . Amanda Hall is notified as being absent tonight.

The Mayor Thinks Democracy Was a Poor Choice

Wow. The discussion at the Board of Estimates about recessing and possibly referring the meeting was very interesting. Maniaci apparently didn't even...

Meetings Added this Week

I under-estimated the ability to add meetings on this short week, here's what they've added!

Mayor, Economic Development Committee and Development Process

The Mayor visited the Economic Development Committee yesterday to talk about his State of the City Address and his charge to the committee to look at the development review process. He answered questions and they discussed how they would get this done by Labor Day. [With BK comments]

Sometimes, it is GOOD to be WRONG

Yesterday, I wished that the Statement of Interest forms for the City of Madison elected officials and committee members were on line. And guess what, for the first time ever, they are!

EDC Members Urge Waiting with Development Process “Improvements”

They are concerned about lack of discussion on various important economic development issues and lack of outcry about losing the train by the business...

2 More Potential Alder Candidates

Almost half the alders still show no signs of an opponent, still no word from Solomon or Skidmore. Claussius draws and opponent and there is a potential contest for Compton's seat.

Snow Updates: No Snow Emergency Tonight

Well, ok.