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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Thinking you need a Union?

Well, learn how to do it yourself! As "management" I probably shouldn't be encouraging this . . . but it would...

Services Available to the Homeless

We rarely get notice that there is an opening! So, here is a spot for one person - with conditions!

4.1% Increase for City Managers?

I feel conflicted, we have a great staff in the City of Madison, but . . . seems a little goofy given what is supposed to tight budget times.

City Week Ahead

Highlights this week - Landmarks Commission on Monday (100 State St), Council discussion on the Downtown Plan on Tuesday and Urban Design on Wednesday (100 State St and Gebhardt development on E Washington and changing law)

This is why Economic Development can be Hard!

Confidentiality. And rarely do you see a letter as open and honest as this.

Staff Recommendations on 100 State St. Block

This report is from the landmarks staff in the planning department. This is the summary, the whole report is here. They will be discussing this on Monday at the Landmarks meeting

Support the Elephant Ban?

Here's some things you can do

Detox: The Other Side of the Story

Something seems potentially duplicitous about Chief Wray's letter that came out at 3:30 on the same day this memo came out from Lynn Green, perhaps they just crossed in the mail, but the timing is a little goofy.

Common Council Navel Gazing

Saturday, all the fun you can take 10 - 2 at the water utility. Still no agenda or sign of it on the weekly schedule tho.

Drug Test People Who Use Food Pantries?

I hosted A Public Affair on WORT on Monday and that was the question of one of my callers, who said he works in a food pantry. Seriously, it was.

More antics by my alder in sale of the Collins House.

More head-spinning Maniaci antics and questionable ethics.

Maybe its not the Strategy, but the Attitude.

So, I posted about the strategy on downtown snow removal and the snow emergency zone (SEZ) and my unhappiness with it. I'm largely not affected, but annoyed as hell. People probably don't understand why, but its because of the attitude of staff about it and their unwillingness to do anything different. Here's a few examples of that attitude, and why I get so annoyed.