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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Crazy 20 days: Wis Labor Protests

This is day 20 of my video taping the current events. The last 24 hours were clearly the craziest. Twice I was told I was risking arrest during the last two weeks, but nothing happened either time, and in the end, justice prevailed, for now . . . here's what happened in the last few hours.

Kathleen Falk: Governor’s Budget Math Inaccurate, Incomplete

Walker's fuzzy math?

Who’s House? Our House!

Join Take Back the Land-Madison, and community partners, for a series of actions to put pressure on M&I to take social responsibility, and show respect to renters and homeowners.

Bikies Updates

Arthur Ross to keep his job? Updates on Wilson St and biking with Willy St. Construction

Community Vigil Thursday

Yadda, yadda, yadda, another protest, another rally, another vigil. No, seriously, pay attention to this one. It's for the little boys killed week.

James Madison Park Houses

Presentations on the proposals and input from the public from Thursday evening . . . if you're one of the many who left after the questions, you missed the last 20 minutes of discussion and may want to check it out.

Not so Spooky (City) Week Ahead

Here is its . . .

Capital Budget Part two . . . Edgewater gets $3.3M, not $16M.

Sorry, see part one, technical issues . . . missed a bunch of amendment 11, but will pick it back up now.

How Not to Address Poverty

I've been looking into the county's efforts around poverty. I was going to give them a report card on the Task Force on Poverty Report, but of course, its near impossible to do on-line research on this so it is taking quite some time . . . but here's what I've found that I can share so far.

Common Council Navel Gazing

Saturday, all the fun you can take 10 - 2 at the water utility. Still no agenda or sign of it on the weekly schedule tho.

Neighborhood Meeting on Hovde Proposal/Downtown Firestation

Neighborhood meeting . . . Thursday. Busy week.

Who is the People’s Attorney?

Attorney's argue. They raise points to protect their clients. So, when the city attorney feeds us something, do we just swallow it whole? Or could the media or someone else stand up and question that opinion? Where is the people's attorney?