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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Live Blog of the Common Council Meeting, Part IV (Final)

12:55, 26 more speakers . . . no breaks!Dennis Davidsaver lives and works downtown, asks them to follow laws and look at benefits and...

Additional City Meetings this week.

Three were added yesterday.

Thursday Morning Round Up

Here's what I found for this morning . . . two days of info

Second Half of Overture Discussion

I listened to the live stream . . . so far, all I can see is standing around, presumably deal making.

Board of Estimates Recap

TiVo'd, but it was a much shorter meeting than I had anticipated . . . Edgewater TID and Affordable Housing Trust Fund raid by CDA referred. Money for McDonald's approved.

Which Community Service Programs Will Get Funding?

There is a public hearing at the Labor Temple tonight and many groups are losing money compared to the funding they got in the past. Here's the winners and losers and those who are keeping their flat funding for two more years, which one might (and should) argue is a loss. You can't continue providing the same services with the same amount of money . . . costs go up every year.

Did Anything Happen Yesterday Besides the President’s Visit Round Up

Four city meetings cancelled, but most not til yesterday, but they still had the Library Meeting, the Overture Meeting and the Emerald Ash Borer...

City Operating Budget: Cliff Notes

I have 42 pages of notes . . . and not enough time for all the details right now, but here's the cliff note version until I finish all my budget blogs in the next few days.

Round Up! 5 Days in a Row!

Ok, I met my goal of doing the round up for a week in a row, and hopefully this is back on a daily basis . . . because it is very popular . . .

What’s up with the Blogger Slacker?

Sorry, no post today, here's why . . . .

Late City Week Ahead

Sorry I was slow on this one, work, video, Packer's game etc. got in the way.

Sights and Sounds, Day Four Labor Rallies

Wow, it just keep going and growing . . .