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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Towing on Some City Streets Tomorrow

You know how the city says they are going to tow for snow removal, then they don't. And all the people downtown stop listening when they say the are going to tow because they called wolf too many times . . . well, looks like they are serious this time, they even have a list of streets. So, its for reals this time.
mo meetings

Cancellations and Mo Meetings!

City Meetings Cancelled today, and a few added for tomorrow and Friday.

City Week Ahead

7 meetings. One is the council meeting where they will be discussing police in schools. CCEC has new rules for public input. Coincidence?

Recycling Mea Culpa

Yesterday I wrongfully maligned the streets department! Since its student move out and I live downtown I was looking forward to getting rid of a mountain of cardboard in my basement, and I was dismayed when I wrongfully thought the city was just throwing my hard work into the garbage. I was wrong and here's a GREAT explanation if you are wondering about the state of recycling in the city! It's actually good news. (Right, so half of stopped reading, right?)

Time to Clean Out the Basement!

Yay! I love this time of year (considering where I live) and that I no longer work at the Tenant Resource Center! Student move out means I can get rid of all my extra recycling and garbage! Here's all the additional rules and services the city puts out this time of year.
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings

Mostly cancellations, but not all. Yesterday most of the City Meetings still went on, seem like today they are too, but Wednesday and Thursday has a couple cancellations each.

City Week Ahead

Council meeting again this week, flooding update, drinking while shopping, snow emergency zone discussion and more.

F35s: What Actually Passed the Council?

So I'm skipping 3/4 of the meeting and jumping to the council discussion, motions and voting. What happened after we all went to bed? Check to see what your alder did, or didn't, have to say!

City Week Ahead

Only 11 meetings, but I know there are some missing - like the Task Force on City Government Subcommittee (oh, the irony) that meets on Friday at 2. There are also three other meetings in legistar with no agenda. So at least 25% of the meetings aren't yet noticed. Council meeting this week and I guess we'll see what else - look for Mo' Meetings!

Join those Saying No to F-35s in Madison

1,000 homes and countless businesses, plus schools and affordable housing will be impacted,  creating a huge dead zone on the Northside of Madison. Take action today!

The (Public Schools) Profit Motive

We have brought you the story before that the current round of "education reform" is a myth, that its just a ruse to try...

The Mockery of the Madison Media as a Meaningful Medium

The Madison School Board race has been interesting to say the least. For those of you scoring at home, three candidates declared...