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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Linda Ketcham: People’s Affordable Housing Vision Comments

The rest of the round up on our press conference, the vision and the signatures are here. Along with the other great speakers on video. But I wanted people to see these comments from Linda Ketcham, from Madison Urban Ministry, which she graciously passed along to me. Enjoy! Enrage! Engage!

November Elections: What’s At Risk?

It seems like more than ever!

Sign up to Help Run the City . . .

With the way things are going, good people on city committees are more important than ever!

$25,000 Overture Report

Here's a quick synopsis and links to the chapters. The consultants will be in town this weekend and at the council meeting on Tuesday.

Joe Wineke Announcement

Here's the video and the speech.

Midweek Round Up

I have a big grant due tomorrow, so this has to be quick!

Common Council Recap (Minus Zoning Code Rewrite)

The Zoning Code Rewrite was referred after a public hearing, but they will vote on the 29th which is amazing how quickly this is now moving. I'm sure unintended consequences will be felt for years. They spent about an hour and 10 minutes listening to testimony from what mostly looked like lobbyists. Here's the rest of what they discussed last night.


We've been working on updating the community calendar we have, and you will start to see events there again. If you have events...

Landmarks Commission on the Sustainability Plan

Many, many hearings on the sustainability plan this week. I covered one of them here, two others were tonight.

Fire Chief Position Only for Insiders

This kinda smells . . .

Knock Down Landmarked Building for Better View of Capitol?

Really? And completely remove and then rebuild/replace another landmarked building? That's not a facadectomy, that's just offensive. Why are they doing this? So the Overture can host more weddings that can have a better view of the capitol?

City Week Ahead

Monday, November 28, 2011 11:30 AM MADISON BOARD OF POLICE AND FIRE COMMISSIONERS 16 N. CARROLL ST. ROOM 500 - Fire Chief Appointment process (no links,...