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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Interim City Community Development Director Named

And the lucky person is . . .

Public Hearing – What Should Community Services Priorities Be?

There's a public hearing tonight that will set the priorities that will be the basis for funding . . . well, maybe, if they...

On your own again this week.

Sorry, one more week of weak blogging.

Fancy New City Software

Have you seen it yet? New ways to find out city legislative information . . .

Panhandling Ordinance Delayed

Legal issues . . .

Additional City Meetings

Seriously, why can't they just get this info up by Friday afternoon, within an hour of posting yesterday, there were notices of three more meetings

Who Will Replace Scott McDonell on the County Board?

Special election coming up . . . if interested, its a short timeline to get papers and run a race for the April Elections.

Late County Week Ahead

You only missed one meeting. 21 left to go!

Board of Estimates Meeting – minus the Budget

Here's the items they had on their agenda and what happened - before they got to the department presentations on the budget

TIF Should Have Community Benefits

I think everyone agrees, we just don't agree to what degree - actual benefits or benefits that never materialize.

What will the council talk about tonight? (+TIF Clarification)

Only three items?

Edgewater TIF Application

Here it is. I'm working hard to control my potty mouth. You're never going to believe how much the gap is ....