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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Edgewater Finale Week Ahead

This is it. A meeting on Monday to talk TIF, the vote is on Tuesday (or probably 5 am Wednesday morning) and then...

Breaking News: MPO Releases High Speed Rail Money

Thanks for the update from former Alder Robbie Webber.

Afterthought: Neighborhooods & Affected Committees

So, as a complete after thought, after the business community has been asked to provide their input about the "broken" process and they have...

Lets All Meet on Thursday Week Ahead!

12 City meetings in one day, including two big public hearings and I'm sure they'll add more meetings to it. Brilliant planning by "leadership".

The Partial City Week Ahead

Yeah, there's meetings missing, as usual, but here is what I have before going to work . . . undoubtedly, more meetings will show up. Including the meeting for the Joint Review Board to vote on the Edgewater.

Democracy Needs You!

Set your cynicism aside and join a committee! Think about it this way . . . you have two or three years to raise hell. Recently, the council discussed the snow shoveling at bus stops, because the committee pushed it, not any alders. And a a result of the embarrassment it caused, the Mayor has put $70K in the budget. You can make a difference, if you are willing to stand up for the community!

TRC Silent Auction Items

People were pretty excited about a few of these things last night! Here's the catalog . . . and things are still rolling in . . . so there will be even more tonight!

Overture Deal Close . . . .

but not yet . . .

Sleepy Thursday Morning Round Up

Overslept . . . but here's what I got!

Snow Removal Reminder: Clear Sidewalks by Noon Today

From the City of Madison: The snow that started to fall on Friday, January 14, 2011 continued into Saturday morning. All snow and ice shall...

Soglin Campaign Outraises Cieslewicz, Diverse Supporters

I'm surprised the fundraising is so lopsided.

Changing Four Laws to make B-Cycle Legal

You knew it was coming. 4 laws "Thus far" need to be changed. The bikes aren't allowed where they want to put them, the signs don't comply with the sign code, a charter ordinance is needed to advertise in the Right of Way and something about the permit process. You can't make this stuff up.