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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Soglin’s Anti-Poverty Plan

Pat Schneider did a good article on Soglin and his anti-poverty plan. The Mayor is sounding a little defensive, which is a bummer,...

Why the “City Week Ahead” is a joke . . .

Garbage in, garbage out. Here's just a few (5 . . . 6 . . . 7 . . .) extra meetings that showed up in the 9 hours AFTER I tried to tell you what is going on this week.

City Week Ahead Do-Over

They added 6 meetings since yesterday morning and I can now access some of the agenda's that were previously unavailable.

Anyone Want to Coordinate the City’s Housing Policy?

We have a Housing Strategy Committee and a housing coordinator for the city, right? Wrong.

Are Lake View Hill Tickets REALLY Being Dropped?

Court dates for tomorrow have not been dropped, and no one is answering the question. I tried getting an answer but got the same...

County Week Ahead

Also short, no meetings on Thursday.

10 days and counting . . .

There is no legal place to go . . . and the Mayor says that the Council shouldn't let people guilt them into feeling...

AHAA Endorsement: District 15

Hawk Sullivan vs David Ahrens

Capital Budget Presentations – Library

Last week the department heads or their stand-ins were been busy presenting their budgets as presented in the Mayor's budget, there is a public hearing before the council tomorrow night, the amendments for Board of Estimates are due Wednesday at noon and then they will vote at Board of Estimates a week from today. So, if you have something to say about it, tomorrow night is the time!

We don’t want to hear about the Geese!

City Attorney says that you can't talk about the geese tonight. Of course, full counsel/legal advice would have reminded them that they can...

Live Blog of the Common Council Meeting, Part V (Final)

5:00 am . . . and I'm not kidding its getting light out.VERVEER NOISE/HVAC MOTIONHe reads a long motion, explains that they have had...

Our Response to Snow Plowing Debate

I sat through quite a few meetings and took a lot of notes, but this is what it all boils down to. If you don't like their ideas, you can show up tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4:00 in Room LL110 in the Municipal (Post Office) Building (215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd) to let them know. They send the notice of this meeting out late yesterday.