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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Edgewater Continues Heavy Lobbying

I wonder how much they will put on their lobbying report for making the video?

Free Fair Housing Training

Hey, its free! I'm guessing you can also learn some of the laws that the state legislature took away with SB107. There are still...

I Hate it When Developers Do This!

And its even more annoying when someone you like does it! Grrr.

Landmarks: Save As Much of Garver As Possible

A report about Garver Feedmill came out a few weeks ago, the Landmarks Committee has toured the property and they had this to say about it.

City Week Ahead . . .

Hey, looks like we have several agendas in that are usually missing Monday morning . . . interesting! Always remember to check the weekly calendar as there are usually meetings added throughout the week, usually 3 - 8 of them.

WYOU – Documenting the Wisconsin Uprising!

Don't you wish there was an archive of all the video and photos that were taken last spring during the Wisconsin Uprising? Well . . . there could be! There will be!

City Not Doing Enough to Stop Discriminatory Practices of Bars

I'm disappointed, but with a little attention to this issue, maybe we can get them to do the right thing.

Occupy Madison to Be Shut Down Today? (Updated)

They don't plan to apply for a permit. You might want to get down there if you care and you can.

Don Miller Properties to be Used as Daytime Homeless Shelter?

Still trying to get the details on this, I've heard a little, have a few thoughts and think the devil may be in the details (still looking for them - not attached to emails I got).

Neighborhood Issue Resolved?

Well, the developer is once again communicating with the neighborhood and the meeting will go on. Here's the details.

What the Council Will Discuss Tonight (Amended)

At the moment, here's the issues alders want to speak about.

Restrict Conceal Carry = Landlord Discrimination Complaints?

The Apartment Association of South Central Wisconsin recently sent out an informational handout for landlords. I was going to pass it along as being useful, but I noted one glaring error.